Holy Land Tours

Traveling to the Holy Land is one of the most spiritual experiences you can have. Come to this ancient land, where the stories told in the Holy Scriptures are still present. In Israel you will find some of the holiest sites, not only of Christianity, but also of Judaism and Islam.
Of course, one city you cannot miss on your trip to the Holy Land is Jerusalem. This city is the spiritual center of the world, where the three great monotheistic religions have sacred sites.
One of the most spiritual places to see in the Holy Land is the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. It was here that Jesus Christ died on the cross and was buried in a nearby tomb to be resurrected on the third day. In this impressive temple one breathes an impressive mysticism and spirituality, and not for less, since on this place Christianity was founded.
Mount Zion is another place that should not be missed when traveling to the Holy Land. This hill, whose name serves to designate Jerusalem, houses the Cenacle, the place where Jesus celebrated the Last Supper. By visiting this building you will be able to recreate one of the most important scenes of the New Testament, when Christ establishes the sacrament of the Eucharist with his apostles. Also of great importance is the Abbey of Haiga Maria, the site of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
However, Jerusalem is also of great importance for Judaism. In the Wailing Wall this creed has one of its sacred places. This immense wall is the only remaining remnant of the Temple of Jerusalem, destroyed by the Romans a few years after the death of Christ. On the other side of the wall, where the temple once stood, today you will find the Esplanade of the Mosques, one of the holiest places for Islam. In this square are the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which houses the rock where Abraham was about to sacrifice his son.
When traveling to the Holy Land you cannot miss Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born. Precisely, the Basilica of the Nativity, the place where the famous Bethlehem Portal was located, is its most important monument. The spot where Christ was born is marked with a 14-pointed star. In addition, in Bethlehem you will also find the Grottoes of St. Jerome, where, according to tradition, St. Jerome of Stridon, father of the Catholic Church and translator of the Bible into Latin, the so-called “Vulgate”, is buried.
Haifa is another must-see city on your travels to the Holy Land. This city stands out for its impressive multicultural atmosphere. The entire city is built at the foot of Mount Carmel, a mountain that exudes spirituality. It was on this mountain that the prophet Elijah defeated the priests of Baal in one of the most important passages of the Old Testament. On Mount Carmel you will also find the Church of Stella Maris, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the founding place of the Carmelite Order.
Of course, when traveling to the Holy Land you can also visit Nazareth, the city of Jesus. Here you can visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, located where Mary’s house once stood and where the Archangel Gabriel announces her pregnancy to the Virgin. In addition, important places of Jesus’ life are also preserved, such as the carpenter’s shop of St. Joseph, where he learned the carpenter’s trade.
In addition to the cities, traveling to the Holy Land will allow you to visit other important places of the Holy Scriptures, such as the Mount of the Beatitudes, where Jesus gave his famous sermon; the Sea of Galilee, where he walked on the waters; or Mount Tabor, where the Transfiguration of Christ took place and where, today, stands the Basilica of the Transfiguration, one of the most important temples in Israel.
Traveling to the Holy Land is an experience not to be missed. Enjoy this spiritual place in Israel, full of religious sites of great importance for all faiths.